Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rand Paul: The Republican Leadership Doesn't Know What the Hell It's Doing

Rand Paul points out that Republicans just keep announcing surrender before the battle even starts, most recently on the Hagel filibuster (h/t Business Insider):

"We announce our surrender before we get started on every battle," Paul said. "That literally is our problem."  
"We need to say over and over again…that the sequester was [Obama's] idea, that he's the one who's laying people off, we aren't, and that we have an idea to fix the sequester in a way that avoids any layoffs," he added.  


"To announce after we got a filibuster that we are already giving up, when we didn't even get a piece of paper or anything — what a waste of time!" Paul said. "That is people who don't know what the hell they're doing." 

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